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Reporting System

Complaints procedure as per German Supply Chain Act (LkSG)

If necessary, any person within our area of operations and in our supply chain may report environmental and human rights risks as well as violations of human rights or environmental obligations that may arise from the business activities of a company within our area of operations or a direct supplier.

Your information or complaint will be forwarded directly to an ombudsperson. This ombudsperson is an individual appointed by the LUDWIG FREYTAG Group to oversee the procedure, ensuring impartial action and independence. They are not bound by instructions. The ombudsperson is obliged to maintain confidentiality. LUDWIG FREYTAG Group Executive Management will receive your report in anonymised format only. In principle, an individual reporting a risk or violation is guaranteed protection against discrimination or punishment as a result of making the complaint.

We have contracted a service provider to operate our reporting system. You can report violations to the following address by post in confidence:

einfach.effizient. Treuhand Unternehmensberatung GmbH & Co. KG
Meldestelle der Unternehmensgruppe Ludwig Freytag
Langenweg 55
26125 Oldenburg

You may also contact our in-house reporting system by email ( or on the phone (+49 [0]441 9710-500). You can also arrange an in-person meeting to discuss your concerns.

Once your information or complaint has been received, you will generally be sent a confirmation of receipt within 7 days.

A check is then made to verify whether the complaint falls within the scope of the German Supply Chain Act and whether it pertains to the LUDWIG FREYTAG Group or concerns a direct supplier. If this is the case, the matter will be investigated further and forwarded to the corresponding department within the Ludwig Freytag Group. Follow-up queries may be necessary to look into the matter further while preserving anonymity for the informer.

The complaint procedure will conclude with the following possible outcomes:

  • Implementation of preventive/remedial measures – if desired, also in consultation with the individual reporting the matter.
  • Possibility of amicable resolution if desired by all parties involved.
  • Feedback on the procedure to the individual reporting the matter if they request it.

The procedure undergoes an annual review to ensure it is effective. All relevant documents related to the complaint are archived for seven years in compliance with statutory requirements. The procedure is free.